Palliative Care


Even under the best circumstances, a dog’s life is too short. It’s a difficult subject, but one every pet owner must face eventually. As the end of your dog’s life approaches, whether due to illness or old age, you might be contemplating some difficult choices. But while euthanasia was long considered the most humane option for aging or terminally ill pets nearing the end, the growing fields of palliative care and pet hospice provide dog owners with options that can extend both your companion’s quality of life and the time you get to spend enjoying them.

What is Palliative Care/comfort care for Dogs?

Palliative care focuses on making dogs as comfortable as possible and improving their quality of life as they near the end of their lives. It starts when the focus shifts from trying to treat an illness or extend the length of a dog’s life to helping the dog stay happy and comfortable while nature takes its course.

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Whether senior dogs in decline or terminally ill dogs in the last stages of disease, palliative care focuses on managing pain and other symptoms and extending quality of life as long as possible. This is done through medications, therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic care or laser therapy, and home care such as administering fluids, applying heat therapy, and helping dogs do more of what they enjoy for as long as they’re able to enjoy it. At Island Dog lodge we understand the difficulties and stress losing a pet can bring. During a time of grief we can be your support companion and help you with all the processes and home care your dog needs.

For more information and to schedule a time to discuss please reach out to